GMAEP partners have extensive experience in business, economics, and engineering/technology projects looking a wide diversity of issues from market assessment, business strategy, business restructuring, mergers and acquisition, analysis of investment opportunities, assets valuation, financial assessment, capital and financial costs analysis, impact evaluation, risk management, crisis management, transfer prices, tariff determination, contracts, regulatory analysis, arbitration and dispute resolution, antitrust and market structure analysis, development of regional projects, innovation, technology adoption and engineering services, search of investment and financial opportunities, outsourcing and professional training.
Let us know about your company needs and challenges, our aim is to bring you that key support for pressing issues with innovative solutions for growth and value creation.
About usGMAEP continually strives to be a great company, since we are highly committed to providing high-quality products and services in our partnerships. Our goal is to deliver innovative solutions to our customers by through the linkage of the US, Latin America, and other leading regions. We focus on creating a rewarding and sustainable business in capital-intensive sectors, mining and energy, where we apply a powerful business strategy, sustained in deep economic and financial analysis, and the integration of engineered solutions. |